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A natural paradise

About the Natural Park

The Dunes of Liencres and Costa Quebrada

This park has 1,700 hectares, spread between the municipalities of Piélagos, Miengo and Santa Cruz de Bezana. It is one of the largest dune systems of the northern coast of Spain, which is home to a rich fauna and flora.

The Natural Park of the Dunes of Liencres has 195 hectares, and consists of coves and two beaches of great beauty, Valdearenas and Canallave a large expanse of maritime pine forest, and the dune system.

Many migratory waterfowl, especially visible in winter, have their home in this space. In addition, this park also includes the surrounding coastline, part of the future
Costa Quebrada Geopark, as well as the nearby islets, the estuary of the Pas river and a large part of La Picota or Tolío mountain.

The result is a unique space given its great combined interest: landscape, geological, botanical and faunistic.

A refuge of biodiversity and nature in the heart of Cantabria

This Natural Park extends along the coast from Punta del Águila, in Miengo to the west, to the Canal de Hoz to the east, marking the boundary between the municipalities of Santa Cruz de Bezana and Santander. It also includes all the islets of this coastal stretch. Inland, it includes the entire Pas Estuary and a large part of La Picota or Monte Tolío.


Located at the mouth of the Pas River (Ría de Mogro), within the municipality of Piélagos and in the heart of the Cantabrian coast, it was declared a Natural Park in 1986.

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