The Ribeira Sacra e Serras do Oribio e Courel Biosphere Reserve, located between Lugo and Ourense, is organized around the middle stretches of the Miño and Sil river basins.
It is the richest and most diverse protected area in Galicia in terms of flora and fauna, hosting numerous endangered habitats and some rare, even at European level. We can find up to 1214 floristic species, more than half of the existing diversity in Galicia, and almost 30 species of fauna.
It is home to semi-natural habitats such as chestnut forests and mowing meadows and tooth meadows. The diversity of habitats and ecosystems and their good state of preservation provide a high biodiversity of fauna: almost 300 species.
The local population has preserved traditional agrosystems such as terraces in the river canyons and groves in the mountains, especially in the Serra do Courel, integrating biodiversity and culture into the landscape.
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