Recursos encontrados

Beauty and natural treasure


Valleys, canyons, mountain ranges and plains

Green Spain Ecotourism Corridor

The Ribeira Sacra e Serras do Oribio e Courel Biosphere Reserve, located between Lugo and Ourense, is organized around the middle stretches of the Miño and Sil river basins.

It is the richest and most diverse protected area in Galicia in terms of flora and fauna, hosting numerous endangered habitats and some rare, even at European level. We can find up to 1214 floristic species, more than half of the existing diversity in Galicia, and almost 30 species of fauna.

It is home to semi-natural habitats such as chestnut forests and mowing meadows and tooth meadows. The diversity of habitats and ecosystems and their good state of preservation provide a high biodiversity of fauna: almost 300 species.

The local population has preserved traditional agrosystems such as terraces in the river canyons and groves in the mountains, especially in the Serra do Courel, integrating biodiversity and culture into the landscape.

Ribeira Sacra mountain and forest view

Discover this wonderful place

The territory of the Ribeira Sacra e Serras do Oribio e Courel Biosphere Reserve covers the middle stretches of the Miño and Sil river basins, together with tributaries such as the Lor and the Cabe, and is structured in three major landscapes: canyons, plains and valleys, and mountain ranges.

The canyons of the Sil and the banks of the Miño stand out as exceptional elements, combininga spectacular landscape of rock formations, forests and terracedvineyards with a rich cultural heritage, including monasteries, churches and historic villas.

The reserve covers 306,535 hectares, equivalent to 10% of Galicia's continental territory, distributed in 23 municipalities in Lugo and Ourense.

Our proposals

Accommodation in Ribeira Sacra

La Garrotxa from the air and experiences to enjoy our environment

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