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Sierra Espuña

Forest Therapy

(Terapia forestal)

Forest Bath to improve your health

All the public

2 hours approx.

Our ecotourism commitment

We are committed to the environment and work towards sustainable tourism.
That is why we are taking measures in this direction. More information

Our certificates:
Our ecotourism commitment:

Forest Bathing, Yoga in Nature, Supyoga, Paddlesurf routes are activities with no environmental impact, always respecting the natural environment and taking place in areas where you can be in contact with nature and know places in the region as La Manga del Mar Menor, Sierra Espuña, Calas de Cabo Palos, Cabo Palos Lighthouse, etc.
Collaborating with other local companies for the rental of material.

Open map Alhama de Murcia, Alhama de Murcia (Murcia), España

Forest Bath to improve your health

Forest Baths are a way to engage with nature that benefit your health and encourage deeper exploration.
A walk in the woods is not only good physically, but psychologically as well.Many studies have given ample evidence that time spent in nature reduces mental fatigue and irritability, cortisol levels and stress.
What makes a trail therapeutic. Many studies have given ample evidence that time spent in nature reduces mental fatigue and irritability, cortisol levels and stress.What makes a trail therapeutic.
Inspired by shinrin-yoku, the Japanese tradition of forest bathing.Forest therapy trails are usually about a mile and a half in length.
During the walk, visitors are guided to inhale deeply, listen to the water, listen to nature or observe their surroundings, perhaps looking for a "place to sit," touch a tree or close their eyes, explore the smells around them, or for others, the trail is a place to unwind.
Our society today is so fast-paced, so connected through technology, so being out there without any of that can be a different experience.
The more deeply we connect to the natural world, the more likely we are to make good choices in our lives and support natural areas, fostering creativity and health.


- Forest therapy participant: 30€/person.

To whom it is addressed

All the public


- Every day of the year (the schedule depends only on the weather conditions to be able to carry out the activity).

Approximate duration

2 hours approx.

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