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Griffon vulture

Where nature elevates life

The guardian of Hoces del río Riaza

The griffon vulture is an amazing species that inhabits the Natural Park Hoces del Río Riaza. The population of griffon vultures in the Natural Park in recent years has shown a very positive growth becoming one of the largest colonies of griffon vultures in the peninsula.

The Hoces del río Riaza Natural Park offers refuge to approximately 600 pairs of vultures. In one of the nests there is a camera installed in real time to enjoy moments such as watching their first flight attempts, behaviors when they are safe, the mother feeding the chicks, the changes of plumage as the seasons change.


Griffon vultures are large animals with a wingspan of more than 2.5 meters and a fart of 6 to 9 kilos , which is why they are considered one of the largest scavenger birds in Spain.


This species has been linked to the pastoral activities of man, doing a great health work by consuming large carrion.


In 1975 the Montejo de la Vega de la Serrezuela Refuge was inaugurated for the recovery of birds of prey, whose population was in a very critical situation and which today has become a refuge with the most important colony of griffon vultures in Europe.

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