Offering eco-conscious experiences
In the Hoces del Río Riaza Natural Park, a protected area dedicated mainly to landscape conservation, important work is carried out to protect the biodiversity of birds of prey.
This raptor refuge has been established with the purpose of preserving these species, avoiding hunting and promoting a sustainable development approach. This refuge has not only managed to maintain the vulture population, but has also contributed to its increase. In addition to being a sanctuary for raptors, it also serves as a refuge for other species that inhabit the area .
The commitment to the conservation of this natural space is deep-rooted and deep-rooted, evidenced by the daily activities dedicated to its preservation. This includes planting native vegetation, installing nesting boxes for birds and creating shelters for various species, such as rabbits, among others. These actions reflect a constant and significant effort to protect and maintain this valuable ecosystem.
The Hoces del ri?o Riaza Natural Park adopted in 2009 the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (CETS), which is in the process of its second renewal in 2024, is an initiative of the Europarc Foundation that seeks to promote sustainable tourism in protected natural areas of Europe.
The CETS is a tool for work, planning and commitment that lasts over time. To maintain this accreditation, an action plan must be implemented, participation structures must be maintained and renewal must be requested. It is a joint process that is the responsibility of all stakeholders in the territory, including the Permanent Forum on Sustainable Tourism for all local and regional stakeholders involved (Authority responsible for the protected natural area, the community and conservation authorities, and representatives of local and regional businesses).The working group is made up of representatives of the groups that are part of the Forum and have the capacity to manage funds.
Both actors promote the protected natural areas as sustainable tourism destinations, through effective planning, management structures and participatory processes in order to ensure that visitors can enjoy the Riaza River Gorges Natural Park in a more sustainable way.
There are two Strategic Plans for sustainable tourism . Firstly, Prodestur, in Hoces de Segovia and, secondly, the Ribera de Duero Wine Route . These plans are coordinated by the Provincial Council of Segovia and the Ribera de Duero Wine Route Consortium, respectively. The period of application of both plans is up to and including 2024.
The CETS is a recognition of the park's commitment to promote sustainable tourism through effective planning, management structures and participatory processes, addressing key aspects of sustainable tourism in these particularly valuable and fragile territories.
Three phases have been developed for the implementation of the CETS:
- Phase 1: Accreditation of the protected natural area, in our case the Hoces del Rio Riaza Natural Park.
- Phase 2: Adhesion of tourist companies that meet criteria of quality, sustainability, commitment to conservation, local development and linkage with the protected area, collaborating and supporting the objectives of the Riaza River Gorges Natural Park.
collaborating and supporting the objectives of the Hoces del río Riaza Natural Park in conservation and development. Currently in the Natural Park Hoces del río Riaza there are 6 companies adhered since January 2023.
-Phase 3: Adhesion of travel agencies with the aim of promoting the marketing of a tourist offer in protected areas, contributing to conservation and local development.