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Where nature comes first

Protected areas in Valle de Alcudia and Sierra Madrona

Discover the natural and cultural beauty of the Alcudia Valley and Sierra Madrona! Enjoy impressive cultural landscapes and discover the geological richness that characterizes this area.
The region of the Alcudia Valley and Sierra Madrona is a real natural and cultural treasure that will surprise you with its landscape diversity and geological richness. Immerse yourself in nature in its purest form and discover the most unique enclaves of these protected areas. From the presence of endemic species of the Iberian Peninsula to the unique geology that characterizes them, get ready to live an unforgettable experience in contact with nature.

SAC ? Sierra Morena SPA

The Alcudia Valley and Sierra Madrona Natural Park has a PRUG approved by Order 81/2019, of May 15, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development.
The Natural Monument of Los Castillejos Volcanicos de la Bienvenida, in the municipality of Almodóvar del Campo (Ciudad Real), declared by Decree 208/1999, of October 5, and the Natural Monument of the Volcanic Lagoon of La Alberquilla, in the municipality of Almodóvar del Campo (Ciudad Real), declared by Decree 208/1999, of October 5. nica de La Alberquilla, in the municipality of Mestanza (Ciudad Real), declared by Decree 211/1999, October 5, are two significant manifestations of volcanism in Ciudad Real. The richness of bats in the area has led to the declaration of the following micro-reserves: Microreserve of the Niefla Tunnel, in the municipalities of Almodóvar del Campo and Brazatortas (Decree 114/2002, September 3); Microreserve of the Mina de los Pontones Mine, in the municipality of Mestanza (Decree 311/2003, of December 2); Microreserve of the Fuencaliente Chiroptera Refuge, in the municipality of Fuencaliente, in the municipality of Fuencaliente (Decree 311/2003, of December 2).The Ojailén Tunnels Microreserve is also partially included, in the municipalities of Calzada de Calatrava, Mestanza, San Lorenzo de Calatrava and Villanueva de San Carlos (Decree 320/2003, of December 16).
The Alcudia Valley also partially integrates two other areas designated ZEC: the ZEC "Ríos Quejigares, Valdeazogues y Alcudia" (ES4220007) and the ZEC "Lagunas Volcánicas del Campo de Calatrava" (ES4220005).

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