Trails for all tastes and difficulties
WALK THROUGH LA LAGUNA DE LA NAVA: It has conservation and protection areas for birds. Nowadays, it is an artificial lagoon that was recovered more than a decade ago. In the past it was called "El Mar de Campos".
- Start and End: Fuentes de Nava
- Route: Circular
- Length: 5,7 km
- Coordinates: 42.060189, -4.748468
FOSSIL FOREST PATH: This path takes us to the well-known fossil forest, the path crosses a deciduous forest, where you can see oaks, Pyrenean oaks and holly trees among others. It has three viewpoints, Peña Celada, Bosque and Pernía.
- Start and End: Verdeña
- Route: Circular
- Length: 3 km
- Unevenness: 120 m
- Coordinates: 42.941469, -4.461132
SENDA DEL PINAR DE VELILLA: This is one of the best known trails in Velilla, it is suitable for children. On this trail you will find one of the beauties of the Palentina Mountain, the Pino Enroscado. In addition, you have direct views of the Espigüete peak or Compuerto Dam.
- Start and End: Pinar de Velilla
- Route: Linear
- Length round trip: 3,5km
- Unevenness: 150m
- Coordinates: 42.8477034, -4.8334077,17
SENDA DEL ROBLÓN DE ESTALAYA: This path ends with the Roblón de Estalaya, better known as "el Abuelo", it is a specimen of the Albar Oak, with more than 800 years old. It is considered one of the largest trees in Castilla y León. You can also enjoy the Requejada reservoir. Ideal for families.
- Start and End: Vañes Road
- Route: Circular
- Length: 4,6km
- Unevenness: 125m
- Coordinates: 42.924446, -4.471898
SENDA DE LA CASCADA DE MAZOBRE: In it we can observe the north face of the famous Espigüete peak, the path culminates with a beautiful viewpoint where you can see the fascinating waterfall of Mazobre.
Start and End: Cardaño de Abajo.
Route: Linear, round trip.
Length: 6.6 km round trip
Unevenness: 320 m
Coordinates: 42.951036, -4.761576
SENDA DEL GIGANTE DE VALLE ESTRECHO: It takes you to enjoy the panoramic views of the Valle Estrecho and the Arroyo Agueros Valley. Also, with the villages that are in the vicinity and their respective rivers.
- Start and End: Santibáñez de Resoba
- Route: Linear
- Length round trip: 4.4 km
- Unevenness: 113 m
- Coordinates: 42.905555, -4.627777
SENDA DE FUENTE COBRE-NACIMIENTO RÍO: It is one of the most frequented trails in Palentina Mountain. The route crosses the Valley of Redondos and takes you into forests of oak, beech and oak trees.
- Start and End: Santa María de Redondo
- Route: Circular
- Length: 13 km
- Unevenness: 400 m
- Coordinates: 42.991648, -4.428119
TOSANDE YEW TREE WAY: La Tejeda de Tosande is a natural treasure of the Palentina Mountain. It is one of the most outstanding concentrations of yew trees in the Iberian Peninsula and Western Europe.
- Beginning and End: Dehesa de Montejo
- Route: Circular
- Length: 10,5 km
- Unevenness: 200 m
- Coordinates: 42.825387, -4.516822
SLAVE OF THE SCULPTOR "URSI": It is a tribute to the Palencia sculptor Ursicino Martinez. In it, art and nature are intermingled. The route crosses the Santullán Valley between forests, viewpoints and wonderful sculptures, while enjoying the views of the Duero Basin and the Palentina Mountain.
- Start and End: Villabellaco
- Route: Circular
- Length: 11 km
- Elevation gain: 300 m
- Coordinates: 42.869935, -4.498735
SENDA DEL OSO: You will find incredible places like the Chozo del Tremedal, the viewpoint of Portillo de Carro, the viewpoint of Las Matas, the reservoir of Requejada, the monument to the bear and the Piedras Negras, among others...
- Start and End: Cervera de Pisuerga
- Route: Circular
- Length: 12,2 km
- Unevenness: 270 m
- Coordinates: 42.869935, -4.498735
SENDA DE LAS LAGUNAS DE LAS LOMAS: It takes us to the Pozo de las Lomas, it is a path with an interesting landscape, as well as being able to enjoy the views of the lagoon, you will also cross a mountain area with views of the majestic peaks, such as the needles of Cardaño or Curavacas.
- Start and End: Cardaño de Arriba
- Route: Linear
- Length: 12 km
- Unevenness: 640m
- Coordinates: 42.9711027, -4.7569435