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La Gomera

Handmade gofio cookies from Gomera

(Sabores Gomeros)

Tradition meets innovation

P.N. Garajonay


Our ecotourism commitment

We are committed to the environment and work towards sustainable tourism.
That is why we are taking measures in this direction. More information

Our certificates:
Our ecotourism commitment:

Committed to ecotourism, we assume the responsibility of recycling the waste generated during our activities. We establish a close collaboration with the local commerce of La Gomera, acquiring all our products on the island. A wide range of our ingredients are organic and of high quality. We actively promote and recommend certified companies (Cets) on the island. In addition, we apply a sustainable approach in our commuting to the workplace, opting for a single means of transportation.

Open map La Palmita, Agulo (Sta. Cruz de Tenerife), España

Tradition meets innovation

We create our distinctive gofio gomero cookies. We follow the traditional family recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation, being the third generation, while exploring new possibilities by offering a wide variety of flavors, including innovative options such as ginger, curry, turmeric, as well as the traditional cinnamon, lemon, orange, among others.
Every day, we make up to 22 different flavors, using seasonal products such as figs, oranges, lemons, palm honey and orange honey.It is relevant to point out that our cookies contain gluten, as we use gofio mix, which includes millet, wheat and barley.
We are located in the Visitor Center "Juego de Bolas" of the Garajonay National Park, a perfect place to immerse yourself in nature and appreciate the magic of the environment.


- Gum crackers:
- 10 gum crackers: 12€.


Every day of the year (except January 1st and December 25th):
- 09:30h. to 16:30h.


P.N. Garajonay



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