Did you know that this park was originally water? Between 40 and 100 million years ago this area was covered by a shallow sea, as you can see by the presence of fossilized bivalves, corals, algae and other marine life within the rocks of this natural park. Fossilized remains of large vertebrates, such as dinosaur eggs, have also been found.
The Izki Natural Park, located in the southeast of Alava, is home to an enormous diversity of landscapes and is the fourth largest park in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, behind Gorbeia, Aizkorri-Aratz and Aralar.
The Izki Natural Park is essentially forest and rock. Mainly an oak grove of marojo oak, but also beech groves, holm oak groves, alder groves, gall oak groves, mixed forests, birch groves, aspen groves? cover a large part of this natural space. Small rivers - Izki, Molino, Berrón - flow through the valley.