Under this ecotourism umbrella, opportunities increase every year.
The importance of these islands, due to their protective function of the estuaries, as a refuge for birds and as a source of marine life, has been recognized for their protection through their inclusion in the OSPAR zone, as a special conservation area, as a ZEC zone, as a ZEPA zone for the special protection of birds and as a Ramsar protected wetland zone.The importance of these islands, due to their protective function in the estuaries, as a refuge for birds and as a source of marine life, has been recognized for their protection through their inclusion in the OSPAR zone, the North Atlantic marine protection zone, the ZEC zone for special conservation, the ZEPA zone for special protection of birds and the Ramsar zone for protected wetlands.
The involvement of all those who work in this national park in its conservation is translated with the certification of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (CETS) in 2016. A path that began some time ago, that the CETS allows to visualize and that encourages a continuous commitment to the integration of public use with conservation.